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Meena and Kamala:


Our investigation - Septembrer 2017/2019 : Meena and Kamala are two Asian elephants, about 53 years old. Meena was sold by a company specializing in the sale of exotic animals in 1973 to a foreign circus at the same time as Lechmee. Kamala had been there for a year already. They are crossed the whole world to give performances under the circus capitals, before arriving in France and to be sold between 1999 and 2000. They work under the various marquees of Arena Production, are also rented for special events and will, during the summer of 2019, be sent to a foreign zoo before, perhaps, to return to France.


Our request : Meena and Kamala are old. Is homelessness still suitable for them? Do they really like being on parking lots? Would not they be better off enjoying a well-deserved retirement after several decades of work? We ask that Meena and Kamala be able to join Lechmee, in a place adapted to their retirement.