

Since our creation, Chapter Animals has made a point of ensuring that animals in circuses are housed in the best possible way. Each time a circus is installed, we go there to make sure that the relaxation cages are in place and that the enclosures are the size required by law - already insufficient.

We regularly note irregularities: animals escaping from their cage trucks, safety barriers not installed, animals injured but visible to the public. We also regularly notice that the spaces, especially those given to zebras, are far too small! It is not uncommon either to see, in menagerie, animals which do not take part in the representations and which are not in the course of training. These animals must then be placed in a fixed establishment (winter circus quarters, zoo, sanctuary).

Many animals, of gregarious species, still live, in 2020, without the least congener of their species. Yes, they live with other individuals and humans, but this will never replace an animal with which it can communicate. Certain species present in circuses (penguins, hyenas) are presented even though the species does not appear on the circus decree of 2011. On the other hand, certain species appear there while French circuses no longer exploit them (bears, panthers ).

Chapter Animals never hesitated to raise the voice of a circus animal. We did it, in 2018 with Nale / Elyo (picture 7) - a circus lion who injured himself behind his bars - ; Natcher / Sultan - a circus lion that was used only for sound advertising ... prohibited ; Tania / Samba (picture 15) - an African elephant exploited for 30 years without a fellow ...

Today, animals in creeks are more and more debated. And no one will say it's a bad thing. A real new look at the thing must take place. Both professionals and individuals agree that there has to be an evolution. However, where to put these animals? The servants of Arena Production do not end up on the field, but on farms. No more than Lechmee (image 2, center), the visually impaired elephant, who now lives in England. Like Zulu and Sarabi, a couple of lions from the Lydia Zavatta - Caplot circus, now in a park in Trets. Circuses may well have land of several tens of hectares in France, retired animals rarely end there.

Worse, some circuses do not have one! The Bostok circus saw their lion, Simba, seized at the start of the year, which had been stationed in the same place for over a year. We also got to see the Prein circus in 2019 in Hyères-les-Palmiers. Trucks and animals on a plot ... without protection or representation (images 3, 5 and 12). We are not throwing stones at them. Buying land is expensive! And these little circuses have less and less the means to support themselves with the growing number of municipalities which no longer want them! 

This is why Chapter Animals offers an alternative! There are many structures that can accommodate these animals, but they quickly become full. And the replacement of these animals is often difficult. This is the reason why we wish to create our own sanctuary. In order to place these animals, retired or seized by the authorities, circuses, zoos, individuals ... And for that, we are even ready to work hand in hand with circus people who would be ready to stop to make shows exploiting felines, primates or elephants.


All the images were taken in French circuses between 2017 and 2020.

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